Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a history of close to 3000 years. It has formed a unique system to diagnose and cure illness. There are fundamental differences between TCM and Western medicine. In TCM, the understanding of the human body is based on the holistic understanding of the universe, meaning that the body if viewed as a whole, as a sum of all its parts. As with Western Medicine typically focuses on treatment of a specific part of the body.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) achieves well-being and good health by finding and balancing the energies of the body. TCM is a combination of Chinese style of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, use of Traditional Herbal Medicinals, as well as other related modalities. At the beginning of each treatment, a patient can expect the practitioner to look at the tongue as well as palpating the pulse located on both wrists for diagnostic purposes.
Acupuncture entails the use of extremely fine needles inserted along defined meridians of the body.
Acupuncture is instrumental in treating internal medical issues as well as reducing and effectively eliminating pain. Acupuncture treatments and the needling of points are specifically custom tailored to each individual. A common misconception is that there are specific acupuncture points that "cure" specific conditions, that is not the case. Each condition is as unique as the individual. However, it is more accurate to state that specific acupuncture points can create balance where there was previous imbalance. For example, if two patients with the same exact western diagnosis come in for treatment, they will likely have completely different imbalances causing their illness. Ultimately leading to very different Acupuncture treatments.
Japanese Acupuncture
Japanese acupuncture was introduced and integrated into the world of Chinese Medicine during the 6th century. During this time, the Japanese introduced some unique interpretations of Acupuncture, bodywork as well as herbal medicine. These unique interpretations were to soon be well recognized for its efficiency and precision. Japanese techniques are often directed using the minimal amount of needles and stimulation in order to attain the greatest of results.
For a Japanese treatment, the patient can expect that at the beginning of each treatment, the practitioner will palpate the abdomen for diagnostic purposes, as well as take a reading of both pulses located on the wrist.